Test Tag Colours

Test and tag colours are used for particular industries to represent the different months of the year. This means that anyone working in construction, mining or demolition are recommended to follow these AS/NZS 3012 guidelines. Anyone else not in those specified industries aren't required to use a specific electrical tag colour.

Test and Tag Colours NZ

There’s four colours that are primarily used on a quarterly basis across New Zealand, which include red, green, blue and yellow.

There’s also other test and tag colours which can be used (orange, white, black, burgundy and grey), but they are not used as frequently. Tagging a portable site office with a yearly test would be an example of where these other colours might be used. 

For everyone else not working in those particular industries, you can use any test and tag colours you prefer. The easiest method is to stick to a certain electrical tag colour for the re-testing period and then rotate the colour for all the items next time it’s tested. This will help make it simpler to keep track of which items require testing next time around.

View our range of Electrical Test Tags